Initial Setup GitHub Repository
Initial Setup GitHub Repository
GitHub setup :
When you select a Jira project, you will see all the Jira information but will not be able to see anything other data.
To start seeing data from your Git repository, you will need to authorize the add-on with your Git repository.
Initially you will see the below message in the commits, pull requests and builds widget if you are an admin.
If you are not an admin, contact your Jira system admin to help setup your GitHub connection.
The admin clicks on the setting icon that takes the admin to the setting screen.
When the Admin clicks on the "Authorize" button, a modal dialog that shows the Github login
When Admin logs into GitHub, the modal dialog below shows up asking the user permission for the addon to access GitHub repositories. Please read here to see the OAuth 2.0 interactions used by the Addon
When Admin agrees on the visibility scopes requested by the Addon, the addon creates the OAUTH token neccesary for access.
The setting screen now allows you to map the Jira project on top with one or many of your GitHub repositories
Click on the "Save Association" button and then click back to the main at a glance page. Data will be collected in a short time and you can now see your commits and pull requests
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