Code Quality and Test Coverage view
Code Quality and Test Coverage view
- Sean Binny
Owned by Sean Binny
Code Quality and Test Coverage:
Click icon on the right to view the dashboard view of Sonar Code Quality. The dashboard has sections representing different code quality metrics.
The metrics displayed on the dashboard are based on the project selected from 'Project' drop down appearing in the top bar.
The top bar displays the project, last analyzed date, version and status of Quality Gate associated to the project.
The other sections of the dashboard are as under:
1) Reliability - This section displays the total bugs, new bugs introduced in the new or updated code and reliability rating as displayed in Sonar. The reliability rating is defined as under:
A = 0 Bug
B = at least 1 Minor Bug
C = at least 1 Major Bug
D = at least 1 Critical Bug
E = at least 1 Blocker Bug
2) Maintainability - Displays code smells, new code smells and maintainability rating (formerly known as SQALE Rating) of the project. The default Maintainability Rating is as under:
A=0-0.05, B=0.06-0.1, C=0.11-0.20, D=0.21-0.5, E=0.51-1
3) Security - Displays Vulnerabilities, new vulnerabilities and security rating. The security rating is defined as under:
A = 0 Vulnerability
B = at least 1 Minor Vulnerability
C = at least 1 Major Vulnerability
D = at least 1 Critical Vulnerability
E = at least 1 Blocker Vulnerability
4) Code Quality Issues - Displays complexity of the code, issues and new issues introduced. As defined in SonarQube user guide, complexity is calculated based on the number of paths through the code. Whenever the control flow of a function splits, the complexity counter gets incremented by one. Each function has a minimum complexity of 1. This calculation varies slightly by language because keywords and functionalities do.
The chart in the section diplays the severity of the issues. Blocker and Critical severity issues indicate the operational or security risk while Major, Minor and Info represent the risk or substantial impact to productivity.
5) Test Coverage - Displays test coverage, new coverage on the new / updated code and total number of unit tests. The pie chart displays the test results of the executed unit tests.
6) Size - Displays the size in terms of lines of codes, number of functions and classes in the project.
7) Documentation - Displays documentation percentage, number of commented lines in the code and number of public API.
8) Duplication - Displays density of duplication lines, number of duplicated block of lines and number of duplicated lines.
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