Spring Data Collector Log Review

Spring Data Collector Log Review

Here we will give details about How you can check your spring-data-colllector application is running and find project name and key in log review.

  1. Login in your aws section.

  2. Go to on Elastic Beanstalk Section and find the running Spring-Data-Collector Environment Application.

  3. Click on Logs Menu

    1. Select Request Logs Last 100 Lines or Full Logs

    2. Download the log file and extract the zip file and open C:\Users\khilendra\Downloads\BundleLogs-1675745477702\var\log\messages.

  4. Log File Read

    1. Scheduler Start (JiraApplication, BitbucketApplication, GithubApplication, SonarApplication, TravisciApplication, JenkinsApplication, CodeshipApplication) : Call a startBatchPerform function from JiraApplication

    2. Create Mongo Connection: Creating mongo template for database name 03dd6b9c-96aa-3c20-badb-7bef7311a9b66

    3. Create Job: Create Job for ClientKey: 03dd6b9c-96aa-3c20-badb-7bef7311a9b66

    4. Call Project List Api: Call getJiraCloudProjectList function , Call Fields List Api : Call getJiraCloudFields function , Call Issues List Api: fetching releases data for jira project name : CNB Data Hub, key : CDH

    5. Call Batch Processing :

      1. Steps1 : Call step1 for stories , Step2: Call step2 for bugs , Step3: Call step3 for epics, Step4: Call step4 for sprints , Step5: Call step5 for releases

      2. Reading: Call storiesReader function , Call bugsReader function , Call epicsReader function, Call sprintsReader function, Call releaseReader function

        1. JiraItemReader::read() -> read to data row _id: 10300/1023,

      3. Processor: JiraItemProcessor::process() -> processing to data type:bug and _id: 10300/1023

      4. Writer:

        1. UpsertMongoItemWriter::doWrite() -> update the collection: sprints, and row cnbRowId: 10300/1023

    6. Stopped Job Execution: JobExecution Status: Completed

  5. Sample Log File attached



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